Studio Stories: Big Session, Little Session by Adam Levy
"The best session players I’ve known all have this one thing in common: They’re great listeners."
Plug your guitar into this no-frills analog sine-wave tremolo, dial in your settings and enjoy lush tremolo sounds like those found in vintage Fender® Amps!
Marco Mazzuoccolo creates a track inspired by the Tubedreamer's sounds and employs different guitars into a Marshall JCM 800 to explore its range. Check out the pedal on the screen for the settings used!
"Here's a look at hands down the best Univibe style pedal I've played, going so far as to use photocells and a bulb set up to remain faithful to the original units, along with expression control, hope you enjoy!"
"it's as if you are playing through a true vintage delay but with so much added versatility such as on board tap, modulation, subdivision, hold function and more."
Adam Levy and Rich Hinman performing a wonderful rendition of Ray Charles' "What Would I Do Without You?” at our 2019 NAMM booth! Enjoy these masters at work and one of the WaterFall's best vibrato mode moments by Rich :)
From individually measuring each photocell and hand-populating all through-hole components, to hand-painting and tuning each unit by ear, the creation of a RetroVibe, like with every other JAM pedals design, is an intense labor of dedication and love.
"I have only used chorus effects in the past to replicate a leslie. The Waterfall chorus is a textural dynamo. I use it to create moist soundscapes that warble and flow at the same time. You step on it and the 'wow' factor is engaged. Greg Koch"
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